Stay ChatTY ‘Shorts Day’
On Monday 21 June students from Years 7–12 and staff took part in the very first Speak Up Stay ChatTY ‘Shorts Day’. The challenge to the community was to ‘brave the cold, brave the conversation’ and as a school community, our emphasis was placed on social connectedness. Boys and staff were invited to wear their favourite or whackiest pair of shorts at school for the day as a way of making wellbeing and the important issues around mental health visible. It was a reminder of how important it is to be kind, caring, respectful and inclusive in our interactions with others on a daily basis.
Middle and Senior School House gatherings were held at various venues around the School, with boys forming buddy conversation groups before all meeting on the Hockey/Soccer pitch with other teaching and support staff in a show of solidarity as a school community. Here we were met by Mitch McPherson and the staff from Speak Up Stay ChatTY, with important messages about the significance of coming together being shared by Mitch and our Wellbeing Committee Prefects, Andrew Gregg and Max Baldock.
It was a fantastic day and a great way to strengthen connections and make visible the need to look out for others and have the courage to talk about your thoughts and feelings.