Academic excellence: Nanak recognised at state awards
The Tasmanian Qualifications Authority's (TQA's) annual awards celebrate outstanding achievement, highlighting the achievement of people across a broad range of skill and interest areas, both academic and vocational.
Outstanding Academic Achievement (including Outstanding Achievement in a Specialised Area) awards are based on students' achievement in courses that contribute to the calculation of Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). Based on academic achievement (as reflected in their ATAR) students are selected by the office of the TQA: they represent the top 0.5% of academic achievers.
Hutchins 2011 Leaver Nanak Narulla was one of the award recipients. With a TQR of 99.85, Nanak was also Dux of Hutchins.
Nanak will begin studying Medicine at UNNSW this year.
Congratulations to Nanak from the Hutchins community.